Friday, September 17, 2010

Gary Peters goes silent on Obamacare

A few weeks ago, liberal Democrats began making a full-blown retreat from their core arguments about cost and deficit reductions in the new health-care law because “they are not resonating with voters.” Based on advice from prominent liberal politicians and health care activists, Democrat candidates are being advised to discontinue messaging that focuses on health-care costs and deficit reduction, and to move instead to the use of anecdotal support for the bill’s passage while also promising to “improve it”.
Well, Gary Peters appears to have wasted no time in saluting Speaker Pelosi and submitting to this disingenuous change in direction from Democratic message makers: his campaign website is devoid of all references to health care reform, including his highly touted and largely ignored, self-imposed “principles” for voting in favor of Obamacare (which are still displayed, however, on his official House website at
For those of you who missed it, last year Gary Peters published a set of principles for health care reform, standards by which he promised he would judge health care reform legislation when it was debated on the House floor. In fact, Gary said that if a health care reform bill met these principles he would vote for it and — if it did not — he would vote against it.
So, how did Gary stack up against his own standards, the so-called “Peters’ Principles,” in what now appears to have been a bit of political theater? Not well at all. Seems Obamacare widely missed the mark on a number of his key principles, but Gary took his marching orders from Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman anyway and voted in favor of the bill.
Is there any doubt why Gary Peters seems to have taken the advice of his leadership and is now attempting to cover his tracks while going silent in his campaign on his support for Obamacare? Any politician who could violate his own self-imposed principles in this way and is not above ignoring the fact that 60 percent of all Americans as well as a likely majority of his own constituents oppose this bill needs all the political cover he can find.
Clearly, Gary Peters does not work for us — he works for Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. Vote for Rocky in November and begin to repeal and replace Obamacare!


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